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The Importance of Air Quality

Posted by admin on May 15, 2016 in Air Purification with No Comments

Air pollution is a huge threat to everyone’s health. For example, the major cause of asthma is air pollution, and asthma kills more than 3000 people every year in the United States. Based on the Centers for Disease Control, asthma keeps kids out of school, more than 10 million lost school days each year and sidelines them from physical activity.  According to the American College of Cardiology, air pollution not only causes respiratory disease but also cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, and most of deaths are from chronic disease. All those illnesses mostly are caused by the particles in the air, which are the cause for air pollution.

Alpine Air Purifier

Particulate matter, particles found in the air, usually are named PM. People can not see PM with diameter greater than 2.5 microns, and PM with diameter smaller than 2.5 microns is called PM2.5. PM2.5 can remain in the air for days and up to weeks. It can penetrate deep into our lung, collecting in tiny air sacs where oxygen enters the bloodstream. Health problems begin when the body starts to react to these foreign invaders.

Coughing and wheezing are two of the mild problems associated with exposure in small particulate matter. Air pollution can also cause or worsen serious illnesses such as asthma, heart disease, cardiovascular diseases and even preterm birth for pregnant women. Exposure to small particulate matter is associated with a significant rise in the number of premature deaths from respiratory and heart disease.

Air Purifier is a common way to improve indoor air condition. The Alpine Living Lightning air purifier can remove all those particulate matter by using advanced technologies, Ion Generators and Ozone Generators. You can find out more information about those air purifiers Alpineairtechnologies

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