What’s so “New” about Fresh Air LA-3500 v.2.0 Living Lightning Alpine Air Purifier?
Alpine’s Fresh Air LA-3500 v2.0 Living Lightning purifier can clean your home with the newest updated technology guaranteeing you the best results you’ve experienced yet. The model offers a plethora of benefits: eliminates smoke/odors/chemicals/allergens, sanitizing mold/bacteria feature, UVC technology, customizable, quiet, etc. In fact, it uses the same exact process Mother Nature uses to keep the air outside fresh and clean via negative ions and oxygen uses. On the other hand, most other brands are unsuccessful in fully cleansing an area effectively as they rely on untreated air to pass through them, thus only purifying a portion of the air. However, what makes the technology “more new”?
There are many new features and benefits that come with the LA-3500 v2.0 model that make it scientifically proven to efficiently clean any indoor area. The following are newly implemented parts or technologies (by Alpine) unique to this particular model (older models will not have any of these advanced mechanisms or processes:
-Double prong stainless steel negative ionizer (front of the fan): This new part not only releases trillions and trillions of ions for a faster air particulate reduction, but also will not rust over time.
-Separate activated oxygen control (O3): This new technology allows the owner to have full control over adjusting the O3 feature as the model can work with or without O3. Thus, it’s easier to turn the unit on and off.
-Four levels of commercial strength air purification: This new technology allows a more powerful and quick elimination of pollutants and bacteria. The user can set it manually or via a remote, giving air quality control afterwards. This feature is great for homes and business establishments seeking all-in-one solutions to indoor air purification.
-High intensity germicidal UV light: Coming with a photo-catalytic filter, this new part increases protection against bacteria, pollutants, and even pathogenic living organisms.
-Adjustable purification timer: This new technology is an optional feature allowing users to maintain control over various time periods of their purifier (original purifiers would make users use the unit 24/7). This can be extremely beneficial as users can save time, money, and the lifespan of the unit!
-Improved, washable HEPA filter: On the back of the unit, this new part offers improved internal protection from pollutant build-up, hence, decreasing corrosion, and ultimately, expanding the lifespan. It’s easy to maintain as it takes less than a few minutes to routinely clean.
-TiO2 photo-catalytic filter: This new part on the rear of the unit offers a powerful photo-catalytic ionization and oxidation mechanism while working with the UV bulb. This results in additional oxidation and breakdown of particles, chemicals, and even pathogenic organisms. Easy maintenance!
-Carbon filter and pre-filter: The carbon filter on the back of the unit filtrates floating particles and removes odors. The pre filter filtrates larger particles which an original carbon filter would have trouble filtrating effectively. This makes your unit more durable!
-Stainless steel quality parts: Because many of the parts are made from stainless steel now, there will be much less corrosion, furthering the unit’s lifespan.
-Laminated wood cabinet: This new part helps make your unit more durable as it won’t break easily if accidently dropped or banged.
Please visit Alpineairtechnologies.com to get your new air purifier today! Check out the special trade-in program or buy one get one half off deal being offered for a limited time!