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Measuring your Home or Establishment’s Indoor Air Quality

Posted by admin on March 17, 2017 in Air Purification with No Comments

The quality of air we breathe, indoors or outdoors, is becoming increasingly important as global climate change and pollutant levels are on an unprecedented rise. The quality of air we breathe does matter, and it’s important we recognize sooner, rather than later, we must consider it a part of our routine lifestyles. This is why governments across the globe monitor and regulate their air pollution levels, ensuring the safety of their people’s health.

The Clean Air Act for example, requires nations to follow a guideline of rules to the levels of pollution cities are subject to, and the ramifications of each. The CAA measures five major air pollutants which are: carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, particle pollution, ground-level ozone, and nitrogen oxide. The way the air is measured is via a numeric scale (Air Quality Index) from 0 to 500, where the lower the score, the cleaner and more suitable the air quality. For example, a level of 100 indicates a “polluted” quality of air while a level of 200 requires local governments to issue warnings to its people.

What could be causing your indoor quality of air to be poor? It could be anything from the outdoor pollution, to smoke, and even pet dander. Generally, if your air quality is worse than outdoors, there are some strong signs that your quality of air is affecting your health. Do you ever catch yourself stepping out of the house, or even a closed off room, and feeling a breeze of pure fresh air? If your indoor air seems foggy or even has strong odors, the chances are more than likely that you’re quality of air is worse than outdoors. Mold is another cause of poor indoor air quality which can be hard to locate since they grow in discreet/isolated locations usually. Carbon monoxide, invisible gases, chemicals, etc. can also be causes of poor indoor air quality.

Even though there is no way to exactly measure the level of pollution inside your home or establishment and monitor these sometimes-hard-to-notice signs, it’s better to be prepared than sorry. These pollutants and bacteria are deadly and can have significant long-term effects on one’s health even if one may be presently healthy. This is why Alpine Air Technologies is here to help you guys! We offer the newest advanced and scientifically proven technology in our Living Lightning Air Purifiers, removing nearly all pollutants and bacteria. Visit today to check out which air purifier is best suitable for your personal preference and environment! Please check out our special trade-in program we offer as well where you can save up to $300!

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